This sultry and humid weather always makes us Beh Tahan 😫 

Sultry weather can be very annoying as it may cause dark spots to easily appear on your face 😰
and here are the reasons why :

1.Over-Generated Melanin 😱 😱

Not having good sun protection on a sunny day will cause your skin to be exposed to ultraviolet light thus causing greater production of melanin.

When skin produced too much melanin and it will gradually form dark spots on our face. 😱  🙀  😱

2.Dry skin 🙀 🙀

Staying too long in the air-conditioned room could also take the skin moisture,
also will cause the skin to become Dry and Rough!

When the skin becomes rough, it will decelerate the skin turnover function
and will accumulate the dead skin cells.

The accumulation of dead skin cells will eventually lead to a dark spot forming on the skin!

Rehydration not only moisturizes the skin but can also slow down the growth of wrinkles!

Plus, if our skin is often dry, it will also cause dullness to the skin.

So what can we do???

🎉 Glaskin All-In-One Placenta cream which popular in many Asian countries 🎉

This is it! The famous All-In-One Placenta CreamGLASKIN ✨

he most popular Whitening Cream in many Asian countries right now!
Also well-known as 7 Second Whitening Cream (7秒急救霜) in Taiwan.

It takes just 7 seconds for the complete skincare routine with GLASKIN.
And the most important part is the  Price Is Really Affordable !!


Last Week, I Saw It Appeared On My Favorite Taiwan Tv Show

Last week,  Glaskin was introduced and highly recommended by the well-known
Taiwanese TV program – Lady First  {女人我最大}

Glaskin is so easy to adapt to your skin and doesn’t leave any stickiness at all 😍

It also highly endorsed by the famous make-up artist, make me feel at ease~~~~ ✌️

Say Goodbye To Dark Spots 😢  High Amount Of Placenta Extract

The most special of Glaskin is it added a high amount of  Placenta Extract.

Could balance the production of melanin
, and at the same time Moisturize and tighten the skin.

So it can activate the cells and resist the aging of our skin.

Before this, I need placenta serum to moisturize and improve my dull skin problem.😭

Usually, the basic function of serum is moisturizing,

But most people will apply with other products to achieve more function
like whitening and aging. (what a hassle😭)

Glaskin also contains other whitening functions, so it can get rid of melanin!

Beauty Essence Easily Get Absorbed Into Skin

The moment I opened the Glaskin, I could immediately smell this refreshing fruity scent 😍
and it looks so creamy just like lotion cream.

All the Beauty Essence Are Inside the small particles.


The cream will instantly dissolve into water and get absorbed into the skin. 💧

What makes the cream is so special is because it contains both Whitening essence and Moisturising cream.

Compared with the other brands of serum,

Glaskin is able to provide our skin with moisture and works as natural whitening care for the skin at the same time

The Best Choice For Sultry Weather ☀️

In addition, moisturizing can be easily completed in just a few seconds.

Fortunately, Glaskin doesn’t leave any stickiness on the skin at all!

It is very soothing and suitable for hot weather ~~~

Just need one Glaskin to solve all your skin problems!

As I mentioned before, Glaskin is an All-in-One cream that has a total of 8 skin benefits In 1 bottle.

It is very suitable for people who don’t have much time for a complete morning skincare routine.

It also works as a make-up base, so it will be perfect to apply it before putting on any make-up.

That’s why I love Glaskin so much, it is really efficient and very easy to use. 😍 😍 😍

For more information, click here👉   

Say Goodbye To Wrinkles 👋

The texture of Glaskin is just similar to an overnight face mask,
So I would like to try the effect to see it can.

First, I apply a bit of lotion to enhance absorption,
Then apply a layer of Glaskin and put it on my face.

It not only catches the water, but
it also locks the water of our skin.

So it proves that its moisturizing effects are very good.

It is also not sticky at all, I don’t need to wash my face after applying it !!!

Man Also Need It Oily Skin Also Nothing To Be Afraid! Say Goodbye To Blackheads

Because I like Glaskin too much, So I asked my husband to use it together .
(His skin very rough because blow too much air-con)

As a result, he feels that his skin very fresh and cool after using it!

Before using Glaskin , is very easy to get over-moisturized when applying other moisturizing products.

He grows a lot of acne on his face because of it.😢
But after used Glaskin, His face becomes very smooth and clean.

No need to worry about acne and blackheads anymore

ps: Glaskin has passed Japan’s allergy test so is suitable for all kind of skin.

🌟 How To Buy? 

The Original price of Glaskin is $98.

But only through this article, you can get The Special Price Offer!
Don’t miss this one-time chance! 

It comes along with 15 Days Full-Guarantee and Free Delivery.

So Don’t Have To Worry About The Quality Of This Placenta Cream 

Just Click The Button Below👇 And Buy IT Now !!!