Don’t we all have some experience with dull skin at some point in our life? Tired of looking at how dull the skin is?
Today I want to share the latest methods for getting rid of dull skin and achieving bright, natural-looking skin!

My Experience With Dull Skin

I always tried my best to protect my skin from UV rays by using UV cream routinely, even though I hate the stickiness feel after putting on the UV Cream.

when you living in a tropical country like Singapore, you can’t ever let your guard down.

But in these recent months, I’m starting to feel that my UV cream can’t protect my skin anymore like it used to be.

now I’m in my 30’s, and the skin never looks so dull! I looked way much older than my actual age!!!
and I put on heavy makeup to cover it up, but my dull skin just keeps getting worse …. T_T

How to get rid of Dull skin?

I looked for various kinds of solutions to solve my dull skin and most of the articles that I found mentioned Vitamin C’s ability to brighten up the skin.

and not so long after that, I started to consume vitamin C supplements in the hope of getting rid of the dull skin.

But after 2 months of routine use and switching to different vitamin C supplements, nothing’s change…

Using a whitening serum that available on the market also didn’t bring any big difference to my dull skin.

The Japanese Minimalistic Whitening Care

until one day, when I saw my neighbor, a Japanese woman who’s been living in Singapore for almost 5 years.
Her skin was always beautifully bright and smooth, I can’t believe she’s the same age as me.

at first, I thought it was because of genetic reasons.

But considering how desperate I am at the time, I can’t help to ask her what is her secret for maintaining her skin brightness while living in a hot country like Singapore.

She told me that she didn’t do much. she only using her lotion routinely right after washing her face. that’s it.

What!? Lotion?? How can lotion be any of use for reducing dull skin?

as far as I know, most lotion only works to moisturize and soften the skin!

and then she showed me her special Lotion that she brought all the way from Japan, The COCOLARME White Lotion!

Back to my previous questions, why should I choose this COCOLARME White Lotion? and what makes it so different?

and then she gave me one of her White lotions and told me to use it for a month.

Well, I’ve got no other idea, so might as well try it then.

I can still remember the first sensation when I tried it the first time, it was an amazing experience.

it has this creamy texture but not sticky at all. It feels so refreshing.

and after 1 month of daily use, I can see how much difference it brings to my skin.

My skin starts to gain back the glow and feels so hydrated!

What Made it Different?

Curious about the secret behind White Lotion’s effectiveness, I did a little background research about this product.

Then I find out that White Lotion is well-known in Japan and Taiwan as the All-in-One Lotion.

It even got featured in Taiwanese Famous Beauty show –  – Lady First  {女人我最大}

 There are 3 factors that made White Lotion known as the All-in-One lotion:

First, The brightening and moisturizing ability!

it contains Vitamin C APPS, one of the rarest Vitamin C derivatives.

Compared to ordinary Vitamin C, Vitamin C APPS has a 100 times faster and deeper penetration rate.

which means the skin will react and absorb the moisture and brightening agents at a much higher speed than normal Vitamin C.

Second, Reduce Acne Scar & UV barrier function.

with Tocopherol (Vitamin E)  that able to increase the skin barrier against UV rays.

But it also works as the perfect anti-oxidant that helps to reduce acne scar or sunspot on the skin.

(notes: It is very important to supply our skin with Vitamin C & E Since our body cannot produce both vitamins naturally)

(Lily Clean Photo)

Three, Skin elasticity & smoothness

Containing one of the most important ingredients in every skincare product, Collagen.

Collagen proves to be vital for the skin’s youthful look. it has the ability to give the skin a healthy glow.

it also provides your skin with elasticity and helps to reduce wrinkles on your skin.

usually, it takes about 3-4 skincare items to provide the skin with Moisturizing, Whitening, and Strengthening function.

But White Lotion could cover all of those needs just with one item! Not only you can save your budget, but you can also save your time you spend on your skincare routine.

Now I’m finally free from Dull skin! Plus, I don’t have to worry about dryness anymore!

My skin glow feels so natural I don’t even wear makeup whenever I go out (maybe a little but only on a special occasion, LOL)

Very recommended for people who’re dealing with dull skin or any hyperpigmentation!
(for people with ultra-dry skin might need to apply more amount or extra cream)


How to Try One?

some of you might still skeptical about this product, and I can’t blame you!

But I really don’t want you guys to miss this golden opportunity, since the stock of the White Lotion is very limited!

I was so lucky I managed to get one bottle from my neighbor, but I also need to restock soon!

Fortunately, through this article, you can get the special 40% promo as a first-time user!

It also included Free delivery all across SG plus 15 days full money-back guarantee!

so if you feel that this product doesn’t suit you, then you can immediately return it within 15 days!

Click the link below to learn more about the COCOLARME White Lotion